National Council for Social Services
The main task of this council is the looking-after of the senior citizens. Objectives of this council are to safeguard their mental, social and spiritual upkeep, creation of an environment within these homes that is required to spend their balance life with dignity, freely and happily and also to look-after them politely and decently. National Social Services Council also provides active contribution in social services as well.
Although considering the population and the life span of senior citizens, males have a lifespan of seventy four and for females it is seventy seven, it could be enlighten that the average life span of senior citizens’ homes administered by the National Social Services Council of the All Ceylon Buddhist Council has exceeded this age limit.
Senior citizens’ homes these homes are maintained as two categories, such as fee levying and non-fee levying homes.
Planning, assigning and integrating social services of the council, vocational training in specific institutions and ensuring that the houses on the Governing Council are maintained under the auspices and direction of the Board of Social Services.
Fee-levying basis for men and women:
Non-fee levying basis for men:
For women:
For men and women
Council Officers

Mr. C. K. Gamage
Hon. Chairman
Mr. Nanda Kumara Migunthenna
Hon. Vice Chairman
Mr. Chithrananda Jayakodi
Hon. Secretary
Mrs. Kanchana Nagasinghe
Hon. Treasurer